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Our Services > Referral Questions


Common questions are often worded differently based on whether it is a patient, a family member, or a provider that is asking. For us, all questions are valuable and an opportunity to learn more. 
Common questions include:  
"She's having increasing memory problems; is there    evidence of actual neurocognitive pathology, or can other  reasons account for such?"
"Are there intellectual, emotional or behavioral issues that  could account for these possible deficits or complaints?"  
"Can we document his baseline functioning to measure  changes over time, including progress or recovery?"    
"Is this some type of depression or brain fog . . . maybe  masked or underlying, contributing to all this?"
"If there are cognitive impairments, are the patterns  consistent with a chronic medical concern like  Arthritis, Diabetes or Pulmonary disease?"
"What does this mean for her everyday functioning and  capacity, such as her ability to live independently, drive  safely, manage personal finances, or make medical  decisions . . . ?"
"Can he follow a pre-surgical and/or post-surgical  procedure? Stick with a medication or therapy protocol?" 
"If there's neurocognitive pathology, can it be reduced,  rehabilitated or reversed over time?"  
"Can you meet with the primary caregiver and advise  about day-to-day care for patient, problem-  solving challenges?"  

Neurocognitive Abilities


At minimum, at least six core neurocognitive abilities are normally assessed in the neurogeriatric exam, in a single visit or across multiple visits.


They include:  


  1. Attention, working memory

  2. Verbal learning, recall

  3. Expressive language

  4. Visual construction

  5. Executive function

  6. Abstract reasoning


Embedded in most of the above are skills such as sensory perception, motor functioning, auditory and visual processing, receptive language, problem solving, planning, organization, and speed of processing. That said, very specific areas of functioning require specific labs, and are based on individual needs.  


Along with careful review of records, history, interview, collateral data, assessments and more, an evidence-based clinical opinion regarding a neurocognitive, neuroaffective and/or neurobehavioral basis for signs or symptoms (or lack thereof), is provided, including a prognosis and treatment plan. 

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